Win bonus cash and real money with Wild Casino’s Hot Streak

Win up to $1000 cash every monthThe Hot Streak gives Wild Casino members the chance to rack up exclusive bonus offers and cash prizes every month.

All you have to do is bet $1,000 or more on your favourite real money casino games for at least five consecutive days.

The longer the streak, the bigger the rewards:

5-9 days – $25 bonus

10-14 days – $100 bonus

15-19 days – $200 bonus

20-24 days – $400 cash

25+ days – $1,000 cash

A few terms and conditions apply:

– Bonus dollars are subject to a 5X rollover.

– Winnings will be credited by the 5th of the following month.

– Players must play a minimum of 5 consecutive days within the calendar month to win a prize.

– Players can only qualify for and be awarded one prize level each month. Not multiple.

– A minimum of $1,000 in total wagers must be played in each day.

– Only accounts in good standing are eligible to participate in the promotion.

– Management has the right to refuse prizing to accounts who are subject to investigation or violating any rules.

– Management reserves the right to have the final say in case of dispute.

– Management reserves the right to modify or discontinue this promotion at their discretion.

– General website Terms & Conditions also apply.

This special offers is only available to real money players at, where new customers can score up to $5,000 bonus cash.

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